The #1 Key That Turns Conflict to Connection

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Can you imagine yourself in a really difficult conflict situation with someone, when you’re both really hurt, angry or struggling,
and at the end of the conversation, you’re actually both feeling
MORE connection,
MORE understanding and love between you?

Sounds like a fairytale, right?

For most of us, conflict means DISCONNECTION from the other person
and that’s why we generally tend to avoid conflicts –
for fear of losing connection, love or friendship.

However, it IS possible to turn conflict situations into an opportunity for more connection!

There are many strategies I’ve practiced along the years to be able to do just that.

And in today’s Video-Log I share with you the #1 strategy of all times
to help you turn conflict into an opportunity for connection.

It is a simple tool, so simple you might be surprised at how obvious it is,
yet practicing it regularly is truly life-changing.

(And if you watch till the end you’ll get a little peak at my 6-year-old son Sahar who was helping me film in unexpected ways 🙂 )


Here is the Needs Sheet – to print and stick on your fridge!

Now I’d like to hear from YOU –

How do you connect with your deep needs?

Did any insight or question come up for you from this exercise?

And if you’d like to get more awesome tips & inspirations I only share on email, Sign up at the bottom of this page! 

See you next time!

With love and peace,


P/S If you live in the Byron Shire area –
Upcoming opportunities to work with me & go deeply into these tools:


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